Monday, November 28, 2005

The In Progress Group "Creative Writing Workshop" - A Successful Conclusion & An Unforgettable Experience!

The 5-week Creative Writing Workshop given by The In Progress Group at CAC@SJB came to a successful conclusion on Saturday, Nov. 19th.. and the whole experience was nothing less than AMAZING!

Jacqueline Cordova shares her poetry on the mic

For 5 successive Saturdays, a small group of talented individuals took time out of their busy lives, sacraficed their Saturday morning cartoons, and ventured from near and far to attend this inagural poetry workshop presented by Luis Bernard at the Center for the Arts & Culture @SJB.. and quite simply, they transformed the Center into a lyrical sanctuary where heartfelt poetry, stories, personal testimonies, tears, and laughter were shared.. and will be cherished forever.

Cynthia Jimenez gets deep on the mic

The Workshop was not originally planned to be that way, but the deep emotion and sensitivity of the group resonated through every poem that was shared by each of the participants.. participants that became a sort of poetical family that grew to support one another, and looked forward to seeing each other every Saturday. To commemerate the workshop experience, special shirts were made that contained each participant's own poems on the back. At the conclusion of the final workshop, the group also got to share a pre-Thanksgiving meal in the Center (a delicious meal generously provided by SJB parishoner, and CAC@SJB volunteer, Mr. Howard Folk) to give thanks, and to celebrate a workshop that went far beyond what any of us could have ever imagined.

Howard Folk provided the food and jokes after the workshop

We are most grateful to all the participants of the workshop (from teens as young as 14 to adults over 40), for making this workshop a great success, and a wonderful learning experience for all of us.. Cynthia Jimenez, William and Rashid Locario, Richie Robles, Jacqueline Cordova, Alexa Watts, Edith Baez, Angie Lowinsky, and Joshua Bennet. It couldn't have happened without your participation, and your willingness to share your gifts.

Guest poet, Etophia, shares her amazing poetry at the workshop

We especially want to thank the dynamic guest poets, Etophia and Falu, whose poetry and life examples inspired us to new heights, and set the bar for us to achieve greatness within ourselves through our poetry. Special thanks, also, to the gifted and beautiful, Chantal Smith, for allowing us to share her amazing paintings with the group throughout the workshop, and for spending the afternoon with us during the final workshop. Your sensitivity, and sharing of both your art, and most importantly, your heart with all of us will not soon be forgotten.

William Locario proudly shows off his shirt, and his poem "True Heart"

And last, but definitely not least, to Mr. Luis Bernard of The In Progress Group, for offering to do the workshop for our community here in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bklyn. in the first place, and for blessing us all with his many God-given gifts. An extraordinary man, and extraordinary poet.. with an extraordinary heart. We thank him, most of all, for helping make our original dream of having a poetry workshop at the Center.. actually come true.

Luis Bernard, Chantal Smith, Cynthia Jimenez & Glenn Angel

We look forward to the next Creative Writing Workshop that will take place again at CAC@SJB early in the New Year. Until then, the Center will host a number of poetry gatherings which will be known as the Lyrical Sanctuary, where poets and writers will have the opportunity to share their works with each other until the next workshop. We are also planning an Open-mic event for all the poets to do their thing at the Center. Be sure to keep yourself posted for the times and dates of these upcoming events, and activities at CAC@SJB.. coming soon!

Until then, all of us at CAC@SJB, wish all of you a blessed, and very happy holiday season, a Merry Christmas, and a prosperous New Year!!


At 4:38 PM, Blogger The In Progress Group said...

Wow - reading this and looking at these pic brought it all back again. The bond, the trust, the yielding of one's self ...damn


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